
Are you appreciating, depreciating or staying the same in your leadership abilities? Who is pushing you to get to the next level? If you are the CEO or Business Owner, most likely the answer is no one. The very top tier leaders understand the value of coaching. Your subordinates will not tell you where you need to improve. You may not be self-aware of your shortcomings. Self-awareness is the most important attribute to improvement.


Retaining a coach is recognition that you desire to get better. Coaching will provide a blueprint for forward thinking business leaders that want to create higher performance in themselves and their teams.


You retain me as a coach for one reason; You and your leadership teams want and understand the value in becoming better. I am committed to getting you the next level of your professional development. If you are simply looking for a friend or someone to agree with everything you say, please buy a Golden Retriever. Your business will get easier because coaching makes you better. For your relationships, leadership, business to get better, you must get better.

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If you are interested in getting to Self 2.0, let’s schedule a call and determine if there is alignment between us. If there is not, I will refer you to another coach. This conversation will not be a sales presentation.